Book Review #2: Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia

    Eliza and Her Monsters is a staple withing my own personal library. I always make time to read it at least once a year. What makes it such an amazing read is how relatable it is. Anyone who have went through high school can, most likely, relate to the protagonist. Most people can identify with the struggles of just trying to make it through something. Not only is the book easily relatable, but it also has images from the comics within the story that truly allow this book to come alive. The novel also has a wide range of characters that other could connect with as well. Anyone who is an enormous fan of anything can relate to most of the side characters. 

    I think what makes Eliza and Her Monsters call out to me as a reader, and any other readers really, is simply the fact that the struggling that the protagonist endures is something most people have had to endure. Maybe not in the same problems, maybe in something minor. However, everyone has struggled with their self-worth at one point or another and I think the truth written within the pages is what makes Eliza's story pop out. 

    Some themes: Depression, Anxiety, Maturing/Personal Growth, Romance (though not a focus of the story).

    Overall book rating: 10/10


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