Book Review #6: Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

    Crooked Kingdom, the second installment of the Six of Crows series by Leigh Bardugo, is easily a well-written story. It has the same characters from the first continuing on in their lives after the events of Six of Crows. While I personally find the first book better, if only because it was when I first met the lovely characters, this book is on an even playing field with a lot of other books. It has an amazing plot that is set up in a way that I'm sure no one saw coming. Now, I mean that in a way that the plot twists were amazing, not that it was hard to follow in any way. In fact, I found that it was very comprehensible, there were no sudden changes, and it was all very clear. However, it was also brilliantly written so that rereading it made everything clearer when you knew the reasons for some of their actions. Another part that I thought was absolutely brilliant was how it tied up their stories while allowing for further books with these characters. 

    I have always thoroughly enjoyed the type of books that left you satisfied with how the story ended but still raving to see more from the characters. It felt as if two books were enough for the series, but her other series tied to the same universe could easily connect to a third series (which is what happened. Stay tuned for more reviews on those books). This was certainly one of my favorite reads and has a special spot next to Six of Crows on my bookshelf, which has essentially worked itself out to be a trophy shelf, but for incredible books.

    Some themes: Crime, LGBTQ+ (more representation, not entirely based on this theme), Romance (once again not entirely based on this theme), Relationships, Family, Betrayal, Revenge.

    Overall book rating: 10/10


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