Book Review #17: King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo

    King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo is another great read in the Grishaverse, which is what people call the universe that all the books in these series are in. I found it to be fun and devastating at the same time. Anyone who has read this book would definitely understand the devastating part. It had lots of twists that if you saw coming it was either spoiled or the second time you're reading it. Because seriously, I cannot stress how unexpected the devastating part is. Odds are you haven't red it, so I won't spoil it. Of course, this part is only devastating if you have read the previous books in the series. These would be the Shadow and Bone series as well as the Six of Crows series. 

    I was seriously hoping to have the Crows show up in this book, simply because it was one that would tie it together, that being said it didn't happen, but it was still super good. Lots of stories go on throughout the book, there are three point of views, or story tellers. One of which has next to nothing to do with the other two but does successfully tie in both previous series while opening the story up for further stories to come. It was a very exciting first book to the duology, I honestly think it was one of her best books since because of the development with characters and the themes. I always find it refreshing to see an author improve upon their writing. I doesn't happen very often, or at least it's not incredibly noticeable, but this book here has shown that Bardugo can talk about serious topics without bringing her book down as well as cover the topic successfully.

    Overall book rating: 9/10


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