Music #5: Twenties by Ghost
This won't be a long post since it's only a 3:46-long song, which really is not long but, this is definitely my favourite song by Ghost. It's called "Twenties" and it's singing about being in the twenties, which is why the main lyrics are literally "In the twenties". I love this song specifically in comparison to the others because it has a much different feel than the others, I personally imagine it feeling a bit more fun and energetic than the other ones. It is metal so the darker feel to it is part of the genre not just part of the song and me being completely wrong about it being energetic. I definitely love the beat that you can hear throughout the song in its entirety. I mean, just in general the instruments are amazing in this song. Ghost usually has amazing music to go with their music, it feels like sort of their signature. This is not to say their lyrics suck, they're amazing too, but it's easy to see how much care and thought they put into the music. In this song specifically, they have this amazing part in the lyrics where the music kind of slows to a single drum beat, and the lyrics go over top loudly and the beginning lyrics are "Listen up you" then it swears, which personally I love because it's great yelling the lyrics. Just in general this song hits all the points on what makes up a really great song for me. I also am I really big fan of metal so if you don't that might be why you think it sucks.
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